Monday, June 29, 2009

Saturday night took the subway downtown to go to El Alamo bar. Unfortunately it was closed along with all the other bars in Buenos Aires. So took a cab back to Palermo and learned from the cab driver that the bars were closed because of the election on Sunday. Wierd law, Argentines dont drink much anyway. Luckily we found a few places that would serve us beer in Palermo. I went back to El Alamo last night. It's probably the most well known sports bar for english speaking foriegners. I watched my first baseball game on TV since I have been here and ate a philly steak sandwich. Uggh my belt broke last night. I need to go shopping for one today but I have been procrastinating with this blog post.

Summer's questions-
I would like to stay in Argentina for at least a couple more months. It's too hot in NC for me now anyway.

Im planning on visiting a few places down here like the Andes, boat to Uruguay and maybe the falls near Brazil but mostly just staying in Buenos Aires.

I haven't really done anything touristy since I got here like a walking tour. I guess I should do something like that soon. I have gone to some very nice restaurants and had plenty of excellent beef. :)

I chose to come to Argentina after I read about a few people's experiences down here. It seemed like a relatively fun and interesting city to visit. I also knew a little spanish from school so that factored in as well. I didn't know all the girls had bangs!

Besides friends and family, I guess I miss not having to look where I'm stepping all the time. The dog walkers (paseaperros) don't clean up after the dogs, so there is dog poop everywhere on the sidewalk! It's gross especially when it rains. Picture of dog walker. Food that I miss the most is a tie between milk (all I can find is ultra pasteurized milk that smells funny but maybe it's just me) and American candy like Sour Patch Kids.


  1. I will bring you some candy when mom and I come visit. Can you post some pics please?

  2. Yeah, so i'm leaving for Santiago Saturday night and landing Sunday morning. Speaking of intimidating, i'm not even there and i've been rehearsing my lines on what to say to the cab driver. I know i'm going skiing one day with Lauren but for the rest of the days I'm pretty much on my own. You're right though, it will be somethign to look back on and laugh at. Dog walkers... wow. Thats a sight. Along with Katie... more pics!
